
You ask too many questions.

There's a dream peeping out of those venetian blinds.

Where, you ask?

Over there. See it? I think it's shy.

I keep smiling at it. I want it to know I'm friendly.

I want it to be my buddy.

Why, you ask?

I need it, that's why.

Dreams are good friends to have.

They make great company on dreary, cold nights

And they're such a welcome pick‑up when doldrums set in.

They push to make the impossible not only possible

But an honest‑to‑gosh everyday occurence.

You think I'm silly? Am I crazy, you want to know?

Not at all, I'm only dreaming.

Which is something you should do more of. Really.

You ask too many questions.


So... when people actually ask you "have you finished asking questions?" or "is this your last question?" or "你问够了没有" or "你问完了没有".. it usually translates to "shut the hell up I'm fed up with you.." or "PiSS off..." or "u're so annoying/irritating".

Obviously the lesson was not learnt the last time this happened. I'll shut up from now on. dont talk unless spoken to, dont move until ordered to, dont do anything unless asked, dont approach until someone needs help. Why dont I just stay away.. haha.. good idea.

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