
By A Silent Chinese

By A Silent Chinese

When we were called Sick man of Asia,

We were called The Yellow Peril.

When we are billed to be the next Superpower,

We are called The China Threat

When Our doors were closed…

You smuggled Opium to Open Markets.

When we Embrace Free Trade,

You blame us for Taking Away Your Jobs.

When We were falling apart,

You marched in your troops, and wanted your fair share.

We were broken into pieces,

And You killed, burned, mained and looted.

Just go to the British Museum and The Louvre,

which of those Arts and Relics were bought fair?

Even Woodrow Wilson Couldn’t give back Birth Place of Confucius back to Us.

But, He did buy a ticket for the Famine Relief Ball for us…

…A trickle of good will in a sea of despair.

Never again, we said, We stood up and fought for our survival.

And piece by piece, we put our nation back together again,

“Free Tibet” you screamed, “it was an invation!”

Never mind, that those who shouted, did the original invation.

When We Tried Communism,

You hated us for being Communisits.

When We embrace Capitalism,

You hate us for being Capitalists.

When We had a Billion People,

You said we were destroying the planet.

When We tried limiting our members, you said it was human right abuse.

When We were Poor,

You treat us like dogs.

When We loan you cash,

You blame us for your debts.

When we build our industries,

You called us Polluters.

We made you consumer goods,

You blamed us for global warming.

When We buy oil,

You called that exploitation and Genocide.

When You fight for oil,

You called that Liberation.

When We were silent,

You said you want us to have Human Rights and Free Speech.

When We Were silent No More,

You called Us Brain Washed-Xenophobics.

Enough is Enough, Enough Hypocrisy for this one world.

We Want… One World One Dream.

– This Big Blue Earth is big Enough for all of Us

By. Fang Renzhou

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