
Tragic Day in the life of a dog :-(

Police dog stabbed several times after pursuit of stolen car
Wed, 25 Jul 2007 08:23a.m.

Cane the police dog. Image courtesy of Daily Post
Cane the police dog. Image courtesy of Daily Post
A police dog has been stabbed several times after an incident near Rotorua overnight that started with a stolen car chase.
Police say the dog, Cane, is expected to live, but needs treatment for at least three or four stab wounds.
Inspector Gary Hill says the attack on the dog followed a car being pursued by police into a forest at Murupara, south east of Rotorua.
The car was abandoned and the six occupants fled.
Police gave chase on foot and Cane was attacked with a knife after a short scuffle - the dog's handler Constable Jason Owen was wearing body armour and was not injured.

Two of the men were taken into custody but the other four got away.

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